Episode 20

Next Gen Hands On Impressions

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This week, Brent, Rohan, and Ryan explore Rohan's Call of Duty addiction before revealing our hands on impressions of the Xbox One and the PS4! We also touch on Blizzcon and The Smash Brothers documentary, which can viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tgWH-qXpv8.

Send us your questions and we'll read them on the show! podcast@bigbadaboomgames.com

On the show this week:
Ryan Cramer - Demands more next gen in his next gen
Brent Phillips - Continuing counseling for his Skyward Sword disappointment
Rohan Rivas - Call of Doodooey Champion

00:01:21 - Call of Duty: Ghost Dogs
00:14:31 - Xbox One Impressions
00:29:05 - PS4 Impressions
00:34:10 - Comparisons
00:51:13 - Blizzcon Announcements
00:54:37 - The Smash Brothers

Music Credits:
00:00:00 Intro Music - Brent Phillips