Eagles Love Tea
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This week, we discuss Reigns, Escape with Words, Cradle, Adam's conquering of Dark Souls 3, and No Man's Sky's mixed reviews.
Correction: Devolver Digital is a publisher, not a developer. Reigns was developed by Nerial.
News references:
On the show this week:
Ryan Cramer - Not this man's sky
Brent Phillips - Has an old password but it checks out
Adam Lindsley - The Dark Soulsiest
00:01:20 - Adam beats Dark Souls 3
00:14:05 - World of Warcraft: Legion pre-patch
00:17:05 - Reigns
00:21:45 - PSN Hack
00:23:55 - Escape with Words
00:28:30 - VR spectating in DOTA2
00:29:50 - No Man's Sky mixed reviews
00:37:40 - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided hype and tech specs
00:44:10 - Another Metroid 2 Remake
00:48:25 - Cradle
Music Credits:
Main theme by Brent Phillips